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000052_timbl _Tue Feb 25 15:44:49 1992.msg
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Received: by nxoc01.cern.ch (NeXT-1.0 (From Sendmail 5.52)/NeXT-2.0)
id AA04800; Tue, 25 Feb 92 15:44:49 GMT+0100
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 92 15:44:49 GMT+0100
From: timbl (Tim Berners-Lee)
Message-Id: <9202251444.AA04800@ nxoc01.cern.ch >
Received: by NeXT Mailer (1.62)
To: W.vanLeeuwen@nikhef.nl (Willem van Leeuwen)
Subject: Browser append to file, and SPIRES server
Cc: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch, pfkeb@slacvm.slac.stanford.edu
> Date: Tue, 25 Feb 92 13:40:05 +0100
> From: W.vanLeeuwen@nikhef.nl (Willem van Leeuwen)
> Some remarks about the new browser:
> The use of >> to add text of a document to an existing file should
> documented in the help:
> > file Save the text of this document in a file.
> >>file Add the text of this document to a file.
Good point -- In fact I hadn't noticed that it works by
virtue of the same code which makes ">" work!
It's in the help for the next version.
> When browsing the SPIRES database one has to type find twice:
> the first is interpreted by the browser, the second by SPIRES.
> (The old browser used K, which could be omitted).
Yes - This should be fixed at the server end.
> SPIRES does not give always the promised number of references.
> Try f find author holthuizen, there should be 111 references, only
> 104 are shown.
This too. The last one's a bit odd, as the limit seems to
vary. Perhaps its in lines. Another thing is taht the lines
trainling spaces to 80 characters which makes them wrap aound
a 79-character terminal. They could be stripped in the server
EXEC too.